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Zevs was the god of gods and protector of ancient Greece. We might refer to him as Zeus but to the Greeks he’s Zevs and, well, they should know. Poseidon, god of the seas, was his brother, as was Hades, god of the underworld.  Hera was his (main) wife. To seduce mortal women he would change shape in to a bull, a white swan or a shower of golden rain. Bit of a kinky old god, or what!?!

Definitely not to be confused with kamákia…‘spearers of game’ or ‘harpoons’ – macho Greek ‘lads’ who think they’re Greek sex gods and set out to seduce foreign females.  If the attention is not welcomed, ”Go away, please” in Greek is “Fee’getay, parakalor”. Of course, kamákia aren't to be confused with the natural charm usually shown to female visitors by Greek men (aged 5 – 105).

The real Greek gods

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