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Paperless driving licences

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--- Quote ---Paper section of driving licence to be scrapped by DVLA: What do I need to know?

Driving licences will go paperless from June as the government continues to press ahead with plans to take more service online.

For the past 17 years drivers have had to keep two parts of a driving licence: one a sheet of paper detailing their penalty points and endorsements, and the other a plastic ID card. The government has decided to phase out the paper element of the licence.

Earlier this year minister announced that all paper counterparts to licences would no longer be valid after 8th June this year. The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) are also advising all drivers to destroy their paper counterparts.
--- End quote ---

If you have a paper licence from before the id card was introduced it will still be valid.

Yes, and I really like them! Not as convenient as the card but much easier to read (e.g. when working in a car hire office).

Not that there's anything wrong with my eyesight, of course, but each year they make the writing smaller  ;)

Funny thing is, many countries use driving licences on the same size cards but some have the essential bits in very small type and some manage to get it all on in a type size that's readable. Hey ho!


--- Quote ---Anyone who doesn't have a photocard will be unaffected by the changes.

A warning has been issued not to believe emails which seem to be from the DVLA claiming you need to click a link to verify your licence details.

Fraudsters could use the scam to plunder your bank accounts.

Companies, such as vehicle hire firms, will now need to phone the DVLA to check if you have penalty points - which could mean an extra cost passed on to drivers.

AA spokesman Paul Watters said: "This change could cause confusion. Not all drivers are comfortable with computers and surfing online. It could also cause a lot of resentment. People will also be concerned at who exactly will be able to get access to your electronic driver record, and the potential for fraud and scams.

"The introduction has already been delayed six months because of concerns that the IT wouldn’t be ready.

"Before you do destroy your counterpart, do check the electronic version to ensure they match and that you haven’t got points that shouldn’t be there, or that you are aware of any you may have forgotten."
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