The Agora > Kefalonia News

Kefalonia Bus Timetable

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Never found word processors that easy to get on with for tables, and message boards tend to be a bit the same. You could try toggling On/Off in the WYSIWYG option in your Profile settings - although that *may* affect other settings and options. Using a font such as Courier, where all the letters are the same width, might line things up better (see Another way is to set it out in a spreadsheet, then screenshot and post as a pic. Works OK enough for the monthly charter flight arrivals.

Have we got a (claimed) expiry date? I've seen some websites that show Kef bus timetables that are several years / seasons out of date, so start and end dates might help people know whether what's posted may still be valid. If the KTEL site isn't up to date... that's not my problem.

Must admit, I don't find the KTEL version of the timetables the easiest in the world to figure out so it's handy to have Jean's version, we just need to be clear (as possible) what period it applies to. Had a look this evening at the bus stops near Tara Beach and Apostolata, still showing the timetable that expired 05/07/15 so looks like this has been temporarily(?) extended, new version to be issued at some time in the near(?) future.

When the latest version is available it's possible the times will change, and/or other times added.

Thursday night I passed a queue of people waiting at the Skala taxi rank. Just ahead of us was the local bus. I figured that, maybe, the people queuing for a taxi were going to Livadaki or somewhere else off the bus route. Then three taxis passed us, two turned into San Giorgio and one into Apostolata.

Bit hard to justify continued provision if the bus service isn't used and, IMO, it would be a shame to lose it. Maybe KTEL could promote it a bit more (timetable at *all* bus stops?) - and in an easier to follow format.

Katelios <-> Skala <-> Poros Bus large lettering down the side of the bus would help

Similarly, a large "Water Taxi" down the side of the boat wouldn't go amiss either

Isn't there a vinyl sign shop somewhere on Kef?

If t'were me, I'd be bunging the transfer coach drivers to hand out flyers
(as well as the girl handing out Veronica's leaflets on the beach)

Sometimes seems as if Kef's entrepreneurs think the tourists are psychic

Well, there is now a nice vinyl (and readably large) sign in the rear window and a modern, electronic scrolling display - in a nice shade of green oops, white - atop the windscreen.

BIG letters down the side does sound like a good idea! ( it'll probably never happen).

Edit: Oops

Front is better - so you see it when it's coming.
Put it on the side and you won't see it till it passes you ffs :doh:


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