The Agora > Greek News

Quiet hours


According to Αστυνομική Διάταξη 3, 1996 (Police Resolution 3, 1996) winter quiet hours take effect from today, as follows:

Winter period, 01 October - 31 March: 15:30-17:30 and 22:00-07:30
Summer period, 01 April - 30 September: 15:00-17:30 and 23:00-07:00

If you want to have a good idea of what noises are prohibited during the common quiet hours and what's prohibited at any time of the day, have a look at this summary on Living in lala land...

Edit: oops, year

Never heard of it. Amazing! Does it get enforced ?! Wouldn't have thought so being Greece.


If you live in Greece you get to hear it mentioned from time to time but it is rather mythical, no-one seems that sure of the times and dates. In rural areas the locals seem to broadly observe it, less so in tourist resorts - but that depends on the resort. And yes, if the threat of the police doesn't do the trick then the police do sometimes get involved, usually an informal warning from them is sufficient.

Summer 'quiet hours' now apply until 30 September.


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