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--- Quote ---Charity steps in to rehome 300 cats from ‘overwhelmed’ man in Canada

An animal welfare charity in western Canada is scrambling to secure the resources needed to care for about 300 cats – all of them seemingly in good condition – after a call came in from a man who described himself as being “overwhelmed” by the sheer number of cats and kittens in his home.

Bruce Robinson told the British Columbia SPCA that he had taken in cats that had been abandoned during the Covid-19 pandemic but that the cost of caring for them had become a herculean task after he lost his job.

The charity had sent staff to his home in the small town of Houston to assess the situation, said Eileen Drever of the BC SPCA. “When asked how many cats he had, I think he said it was like counting bubbles in boiling water.”

The cats were sociable and seemed to be in good condition.
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--- Quote ---Labour and Conservatives both refuse to commit to compensating Waspi women

Neither the Conservatives nor Labour would commit to compensating Waspi women on Sunday morning – despite the publication of a damning report that called on the government to pay billions to those who were not told about the state pension rise.
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--- Quote ---Homeownership in Greece declined 11.3% in 2005-21
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