
To Kafeneion => Grapevine / News Briefs => Topic started by: Maik on Thursday, 06 September, 2018 @ 12:47:42

Title: 06/09/18
Post by: Maik on Thursday, 06 September, 2018 @ 12:47:42
Robbery with violence in sleepy Assos early this morning. Appears an unknown number of assailants broke into the ground floor of a dual-use building and, finding little cash in the restaurant, moved upstairs to the accommodation where they seriously assaulted the owner and his wife and removed items of value.
Title: Re: 06/09/18
Post by: BeeTee on Thursday, 06 September, 2018 @ 13:51:23
Robbery with violence in sleepy Assos early this morning. Appears an unknown number of assailants broke into the ground floor of a dual-use building and, finding little cash in the restaurant, moved upstairs to the accommodation where they seriously assaulted the owner and his wife and removed items of value.

I talked to a friend in Assos and she says it occurred in the early hours of Thursday morning in Nefeli's Restaurant. The owner Adonis, his wife, daughter and fiance were attacked and tied up. They were discovered by a neighbour who heard calls. They are currently in hospital in Argostoli but their injuries are not life threatening.
Title: Re: 06/09/18
Post by: Maik on Thursday, 06 September, 2018 @ 14:02:01
Good to hear the injuries are not too serious. IMO, the Kef police have a pretty good clear up rate, it'll be interesting to see who's responsible for this.
Title: Re: 06/09/18
Post by: Maik on Thursday, 06 September, 2018 @ 14:02:18
Unconfirmed as yet but heard 01 October is the cut off date for vehicles without a KTEO. After that the owner of any vehicle that should have a KTEO but hasn't is liable to a fine of 150€.
Title: Re: 06/09/18
Post by: Maik on Thursday, 06 September, 2018 @ 14:22:30
Firefox 62 released late yesterday, latest version includes various security updates. Should auto-update for most users, otherwise download available at mozilla.org (https://www.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/new/)
Title: Re: 06/09/18
Post by: Maik on Thursday, 06 September, 2018 @ 21:18:00
Industrial gas being sold widely as motor fuel

Fuel market professionals speak of major smuggling phenomena in the Greek autogas market, estimated to cost the public coffers more than 40 million euros per annum.

They point to the extensive sale of gas destined for industrial use – which is both lower in quality and taxed at a lower rate – being sold at fuel stations as autogas.

Each liter of industrial gas bears 0.21 euros less tax than a liter of motor fuel, with smugglers pocketing the difference.

More than 25 percent of the autogas sold in Greece is estimated to come from deliveries of industrial gas, which can also have a damaging impact on vehicles.
Title: Re: 06/09/18
Post by: Maik on Thursday, 06 September, 2018 @ 21:22:45
Wife and son of a British scientist left fighting for their lives after being attacked by a giraffe

Though giraffes are herbivores and not generally considered to be aggressive toward humans, they are strong animals and can lash out unpredictably if they feel they are threatened. Both residents and visitors to South Africa have had deadly run-ins with giraffes in before.

In May, a South African filmmaker died after a giraffe swung its neck unexpectedly and head-butted him on the game farm where the ITV series “Wild At Heart” was filmed.
Title: Re: 06/09/18
Post by: Maik on Thursday, 06 September, 2018 @ 21:31:59
Most of countryside now devoid of hedgehogs, study finds
Something ‘fundamentally wrong’ in rural landscape, scientists say, with numbers thought to have fallen 80% since 1950s
Title: Re: 06/09/18
Post by: Maik on Thursday, 06 September, 2018 @ 21:32:55
British Airways website theft: Customers urged to contact banks as airline launches investigation over stolen data
Title: Re: 06/09/18
Post by: TonyKath on Monday, 10 September, 2018 @ 14:03:59
Nasty robbery in Assos and fairly unusual. Any news about the Kef cops nabbing the crooks?