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--- Quote ---Beavers to be reintroduced in west London

Beavers are to be reintroduced to west London for the first time in 400 years in a bid to tackle climate change.

Conservation groups have received almost £40,000 from the mayor of London to create a home for two Eurasian beavers at Paradise Fields in Ealing.

It is hoped the planned wetland will help promote a biodiverse ecosystem.

The Ealing Wildlife Group said it expected a breeding pair of beavers could arrive as soon as autumn this year.
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--- Quote ---Islanders on South Uist vote against mass culling of red deer

Around 200 people had signed a petition calling for red deer to be eradicated.
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--- Quote ---That Greece might be free – Remembering the Scottish philhellenes in the Greek War of Independence

The writer George Finlay was such an enthusiast for Greece that he moved to Athens and would be buried there. Finlay was born in England in 1799 to Scottish parents. He was educated at the Universities of Glasgow and Edinburgh, as well as Gottingen in Germany. Finlay joined Lord Byron during the war of independence, was with him on Cephalonia and at Messolonghi and later served on the warship Karteria under the command of fellow Philhellene, the British naval officer Frank Abney Hastings.
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--- Quote ---Greece has Europe’s most expensive electricity

Despite the drop in its wholesale rates of electricity, by 8% on a daily basis, the Greek power market remained the most expensive in Europe for the second day in a row on Monday.

Retail tariffs for the month of April are estimated to be 15-20% lower than those in March, which were in the range of 20-25 cents per kilowatt-hour. April’s basic tariffs are expected to fluctuate around 15-20 cents per kilowatt-hour.
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Rural doctor service available in Vlakhata between 10:00-13:00 tomorrow, Wednesday, 22 March. Face masks and social distancing required.


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