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--- Quote from: Maik on Sunday, 19 January, 2014 @ 11:07:41 ---
--- Quote ---What? Gordon Brown does not have a mistress?
French journalists are fairly unbothered that François Hollande may be having an affair. One was more shocked to find out that a leading British statesman did not sleep around
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They obviously don't know our M. Brown.   :blink:



--- Quote from: Maik on Sunday, 19 January, 2014 @ 08:32:32 ---
--- Quote ---Nigel Farage becomes popular in Greece after outburst against the PM
Ukip leader claims he received deluge of support after giving Antonis Samaras a dressing down in European parliament

On Saturday even Syriza had a kind word for Ukip. "Of course, we have nothing whatsoever in common with them," Panos Skourletis, Syriza's spokesman, said. "But sometimes your opponents do tell the truth, you know. More and more people are beginning to see that Greece was sacrificed to save the EU, and that what has happened was wrong."
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Most of the chamber is pretty empty though the comments are obviously for UK consumption more than anything else.  Very noticeable that the few who are there try very hard to appear not to be listening but one or two can't resist a smirk.



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