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--- Quote ---Truckload of stray cats earmarked for use as food rescued by volunteers in China

As many as 2,800 stray cats in China lived to see the light of another day this week when concerned activists in Wuhan pursued and detained the truck that was carrying them to their fate – as food – in Guangxi Province.

The cats, which were were packed tightly into crudely built wooden cages, were on their way to Nanning in Guangxi Province where they were to be killed and butchered — something that, although frowned upon in northern China, is considered acceptable in some areas of the south, particularly amongst older generations.
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--- Quote ---Labor Minister Yiannis Vroutsis told a conference in Athens on Thursday that reducing social security contributions by 3.9 percent would help to create 30,000 jobs, but conceded that actually making that happen would not be easy.
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...unless the jobs are for relatives and 'friends' of government ministers.


--- Quote ---Police investigating the disappearance of three-year-old Mikaeel Kular have found a body and detained his mother.
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--- Quote ---Pope Benedict XVI defrocked child-molesting priests at a rate of more than one every two days in his last years of office, the Vatican has revealed.

In 2011 and 2012 the Pope defrocked almost 400 priests, more than double the number removed from the priesthood for paedophilic activities in 2008-9 when 171 were given their marching orders.

Pope Benedict stepped down from the position last year and was replaced by Pope Francis.
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De-frocking in this context is a bit worrying.  :papa:   Otherwise far too little far too late.



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