The Agora > Greek News

Weather warning

<< < (3/27) > >>

8 degrees and wet, as at 11:17am but no winds, other than those of the bean variety!!


--- Quote ---The prolongation of tourism season in Greece to last all-year-round is a top priority, Alternate Tourism Minister Elena Kountoura on Sunday said.
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 :hmm: Damp squid, anyone?

(To misquote the phrase)


--- Quote from: Mary on Monday, 09 February, 2015 @ 12:05:06 ---
--- Quote ---The prolongation of tourism season in Greece to last all-year-round is a top priority, Alternate Tourism Minister Elena Kountoura on Sunday said.
--- End quote ---

 :hmm: Damp squid, anyone?

(To misquote the phrase)

--- End quote ---

I quite like the misquote "damp squid" and prefer to use it now.  I first heard it as a definite misquote about 30 years ago.  I presume it's because the word squib as a small firework passed out of use decades back and many people now no longer know what it means and switched to the malapropism, squid.  Although the original conveys the sense of disappointment better, "damp squid" conjures up the far greater surreal possibilities of a lifeless, wet sea creature.

Of course the very best and strangely similar example is "hoist with his own leotard", surprisingly not quoted in the Telegraph article. Despite the attraction I have not yet been able to bring myself to use it deliberately.  The original is "petard" from an old French word for a hand-held bomb.  It gets a mention in Tristram Shandy in the many digressions on the state of 18th (probably more 17th) seige warfare by Tristram's batty but loveable Uncle Toby.  The bomb was so small that it was named after the French for fart, so the original meaning of being "hoist with one's own petard" is of being blown up by a fart-size bomb.  This is in itself a delightful idea but not a patch on being dragged upwards by one's own dancewear by... a crane,  a dance competitor... ??? !



--- Quote ---Snowfall on the last two days followed by low temperatures and winds made circulation difficult in many northern Greek areas and isolated mountain villages in areas as far south as the Aegean island of Crete, on Wednesday.
--- End quote ---

Not leotard weather at the moment, Tony! Though maybe we can look forward to seeing APB in his mankini when summer comes  :hmm:


--- Quote ---Meteorologists expect temperatures to keep rising this week

Locals and visitors in Greece have been advised to protect themselves from the heat as meteorologists expect temperatures to keep rising this week with the heat wave pushing past the 40-Celsius mark on Wednesday and Thursday.
--- End quote ---

Not sure it'll be quite that hot on Kef but I'm sure it will be more than hot enough.


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