
To Kafeneion => Grapevine / News Briefs => Topic started by: Maik on Friday, 11 August, 2017 @ 02:31:24

Title: 11/08/17
Post by: Maik on Friday, 11 August, 2017 @ 02:31:24
Why Corfu is calling time on British louts: Once a holiday island loved by families, its hotspots have been overrun by drunks. Now locals are cracking down and vowing to take it back upmarket

*    Drunken tourists, mostly British, descend on Kavos every summer to party
*    The area is now unrecognisable from the paradise it was in previous years
*    But now disgruntled locals are taking back control with a strict clampdown
Title: Re: 11/08/17
Post by: Maik on Friday, 11 August, 2017 @ 02:45:45
Diet drinks and food actually trigger weight gain and diabetes, says new study
Title: Re: 11/08/17
Post by: Maik on Friday, 11 August, 2017 @ 02:51:47
Newcastle sex ring: People care more about being called racist than preventing child abuse, says Rotherham's Labour MP

Speaking on the BBC’s Radio 4 Today programme, Ms Champion said there was a need to 'acknowledge' that in all of the towns with similar cases 'the majority of the perpetrators have been British Pakistani'
Title: Re: 11/08/17
Post by: Maik on Friday, 11 August, 2017 @ 02:53:20
Pig organs could soon be transplanted into humans after major ‘xenotransplantation’ breakthrough

The shortage of organs for transplants is one of the biggest challenges to modern medicine
Title: Re: 11/08/17
Post by: Maik on Friday, 11 August, 2017 @ 02:58:15
Why Amazon's UK tax bill has dropped 50%
Title: Re: 11/08/17
Post by: Maik on Friday, 11 August, 2017 @ 02:58:59
Modern slavery and trafficking 'in every UK town and city'
Title: Re: 11/08/17
Post by: Maik on Friday, 11 August, 2017 @ 11:42:07
Significant rise in arrivals at Greek regional airports

The number of arrivals at the 14 regional airports managed by the consortium led by Germany’s Fraport has risen significantly so far this year.

After the summer, the majority of the airports will resemble work sites as the task of making improvements begins.
Title: Re: 11/08/17
Post by: Maik on Friday, 11 August, 2017 @ 11:46:56
How long could my summer holiday flight be delayed?

Flight delay 'calculator' for main UK airports
Title: Re: 11/08/17
Post by: Maik on Friday, 11 August, 2017 @ 11:49:16
Mandatory CCTV in slaughterhouses to ensure animal welfare

CCTV is to become mandatory in all slaughterhouses in England in a bid to ensure animal welfare and to reassure consumers.

Breaches of the rules could see slaughterhouses slapped with a welfare enforcement notice, the suspension of licences or even referral for a criminal investigation.

The government also said standards for farm animals and domestic pets would be raised.
Title: Re: 11/08/17
Post by: Maik on Friday, 11 August, 2017 @ 11:58:34
Cotswolds village residents shocked after DNA tests show they are less than 50% British

Not one resident’s DNA was 100 per cent Anglo Saxon
Title: Re: 11/08/17
Post by: Maik on Friday, 11 August, 2017 @ 12:20:25
Firefox 55.0.1 released late yesterday
Title: Re: 11/08/17
Post by: TonyKath on Friday, 11 August, 2017 @ 18:09:20
Pig organs could soon be transplanted into humans after major ‘xenotransplantation’ breakthrough

The shortage of organs for transplants is one of the biggest challenges to modern medicine
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/pig-human-transplant-organs-xenotransplantation-crispr-cas9-pervs-porcine-retrovirus-a7887071.html (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/pig-human-transplant-organs-xenotransplantation-crispr-cas9-pervs-porcine-retrovirus-a7887071.html)

Wrap yourself in a couple of slices of Hovis and you could be a walking bacon butty.  Just add brown sauce.  :lol:

Title: Re: 11/08/17
Post by: TonyKath on Friday, 11 August, 2017 @ 18:19:46
Why Amazon's UK tax bill has dropped 50%
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-40884753 (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-40884753)

You wouldn't have thought they could not have paid much less.  Mainly it's because they made less (UK) profit on increased turnover.  They've also found a loophole by paying staff in shares which can count as a business expense if they go up and can therefore be offset against tax.  They must pay accountants a fortune to find all these wheezes.


Title: Re: 11/08/17
Post by: Maik on Friday, 11 August, 2017 @ 19:15:35
Greece coercing southern states to choose Germany to host London’s EU agency

Athens Deputy Foreign Minister Giorgos Katrougalos said he has contacted other European Union member states to form a united camp in the voting process to move European Medicines Agency (EMA) to Frankfurt.

The German city is one of 19 bids to host the EMA when Britain unshackles itself from Brussels.

Eurocrats will have to lay off about 72 UK nationals working at the EMA and the European Banking Authority (EBA) because it can only employ people from member states.

But Margarida Marques, the Portuguese State Secretary for European Affairs, said the bloc’s southern countries were better positioned to host the EMA.

She said: "Officials from the EMA prefer to go to the south more than the north because the weather and the food are better."

Er, shouldn't kyrie Katrougalos be lobbying for the agency to be transfered to, er, Greece? Or do I get a whiff of little brown envelopes? At least Ms Marques has a clue about things.
Title: Re: 11/08/17
Post by: Maik on Friday, 11 August, 2017 @ 19:17:58
Greek authorities seize 2 tons of marijuana on Italian yacht
Title: Re: 11/08/17
Post by: Maik on Friday, 11 August, 2017 @ 23:14:29
British snorkelling instructor, 19, dies in Zakynthos, Greece

A 19-year-old British water sports instructor has died while snorkelling and underwater swimming in Greece.

Harry Byatt, who worked in Zakynthos, an island in the south-west of Greece, failed to resurface after diving into the sea, his employer said.

The former Eastbourne College pupil's body was discovered on the seabed at a depth of around 30 metres on 6 August.