Author Topic: 10/02/18  (Read 1251 times)

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Offline Maik

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« on: Saturday, 10 February, 2018 @ 12:10:39 »
Airline blames passengers after door falls off plane during landing

Another airline we'll be avoiding, Rog.

Offline Maik

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Re: 10/02/18
« Reply #1 on: Saturday, 10 February, 2018 @ 12:13:08 »
Drinking tea and wine could keep flu at bay, finds research

When you’re suffering from flu – cue a sore throat, fever, cough and stuffy nose – and want to stop it in its tracks, the answer typically lies with Lemsip, a heavy dose of vitamin C and getting plenty of rest.

But, according to new research, the best remedy could be hidden in your wine rack, or be as simple as brewing a cup of tea.

The study, conducted by scientists at the Washington University School of Medicine, has found that a compound found in foods such as red wine, black tea and blueberries could help gut bacteria fight infections and prevent severe influenza.


Offline Maik

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Re: 10/02/18
« Reply #2 on: Saturday, 10 February, 2018 @ 13:40:37 »
When Champions League Cash Tilts the Playing Field

ATHENS — The game is drifting, goalless, toward its close when a heavy tackle from an Olympiacos player leaves Konstantinos Galanopoulos, a young midfielder for A.E.K. Athens, crumpled in a heap in the middle of the field.

His teammates quickly smuggle the ball out of play. The referee summons medical attention. An adapted golf cart scoots into action. Delicately, two attendants place Galanopoulos onboard.

But rather than heading straight back, the cart driver takes the scenic route: toward the far sideline, then left and around the perimeter of the field. It is an odd decision: The journey will take Galanopolous directly in front of the end of the stadium where Olympiacos’ baying, intimidating ultras gather.

As the cart passes, there is first a storm of whistles and then a fusillade of objects and half-full cups of beer. When one lands a little too close for comfort, Galanopoulos — deciding he is a sitting duck — leaps from the cart and runs the rest of the way. The ultras, feeling vindicated in their belief that he was faking, roar their disapproval.

It has been that sort of evening: fractious and bad-tempered. Games between Olympiacos and A.E.K. are always tense, but this year is exceptional.

Worth reading the whole article... if you're interested in football.