Author Topic: Green energy scams  (Read 1960 times)

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Green energy scams
« on: Sunday, 12 June, 2022 @ 12:59:34 »
The new scam taking advantage of Boris Johnson's 'green' campaign
Cowboy builders also jumping on the energy crisis to exploit homeowners

Criminals are taking advantage of homeowners installing solar panels and heat pumps as part of the Government’s green drive.

Eco-friendly households have increasingly fallen prey to scammers and cowboy builders, who have used the energy crisis and concerns surrounding utility bills to target victims.

Citizens Advice said the number of scam cases related to solar panels rose by 59pc in the first three months of this year, compared to the same period in 2021.

The charity warned there had been a particular increase in “upselling scams”, which rose by 63pc over the last year, targeting homeowners who already had green panels, pumps and insulation installed.

Cold-callers and door-to-door salesmen convince households their current green technology needs upgrading to meet fabricated “legal standards” or they claim to install non-existent batteries to make solar panels more efficient. The scammers then disappear with any money they have convinced victims to hand over, or cowboy builders carry out shoddy work.

Age-old insulation scams have also resurfaced as homeowners attempt to save on energy bills and meet new government guidelines on energy efficiency.