Author Topic: A Plastic Ocean  (Read 15361 times)

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Offline Jolly Roger

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A Plastic Ocean
« on: Monday, 29 January, 2018 @ 08:47:21 »
There will be a presentation and meeting to discuss issues regarding the state of our seas, taking place at The Bees Knees Bar in Argostoli (just off the square) this evening (Monday) from 7pm. It will consist of two documentary films in English and a discussion in Greek. The films are 'A plastic Ocean' and 'Straws'. For non Greek speakers, I am hoping a report will be published that can be translated.

A Plastic Ocean is available on Youtube.
« Last Edit: Monday, 29 January, 2018 @ 10:12:43 by Jolly Roger »

Offline Jolly Roger

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Re: A Plastic Ocean
« Reply #1 on: Thursday, 08 February, 2018 @ 16:31:27 »
I still havn't seen a report of this meeting, but anyone living in Kefalonia may be aware of the current threat to our beaches of 'nurdles'. These plastic beads are washing up everywhere and it seems the UK is under threat as well.

Offline Jolly Roger

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Re: A Plastic Ocean
« Reply #2 on: Thursday, 08 February, 2018 @ 17:38:39 »
I now have a report of this meeting. Please excuse translation.

A great interest and mobilization from local society caused intervention for the plastic pollution of the seas held in bee's knees the bar last Monday. Yiannis Baroúcha's recommendation and the documented placement of costas préntza, followed two short documentaries that won the attention of the world that filled the shop until the a became the a. However, what was most important was the open debate that followed, this is a practice that we follow in all our speeches, and which is judged as the most successful of all our events as we had the opportunity to hear many and important views of fellow citizens. US.
At the same time, through our action we have seen the 'HOT' question, which has been repeatedly mentioned in the past, as to whether the good practice of recycling is actually followed by the municipality of cephalonia. Despite the unconvincing, admittedly, answers that have been given from time to time by the municipal authority, in our debate there has been a great deal of mistrust among citizens. Our position was that we should all recycle globally and at the same time claim detailed information from the responsible authorities.
On the part of marine pollution it has become consciousness to all of us that the destruction we have caused is almost irreversible. We must immediately stop burdening our seas so that they have time to expel the plastics with which we have poisoned them after many years. In the meantime, the efforts of the citizens, as well as the syllogikotḗtōn for voluntary cleanings during the winter period, should not be taken into account in order not to return plastics back to the seas (and not to find our beaches clean tourists like some thought).
All together, then, we have found that our daily lives include practical little ones, but in their sum they become terrifying. That's why we joined our voices against plastic bags, against Plastic Straws, against plastic bottles and generally in all disposable plastic that can find wonderful and healthy irreplaceable!
Warm thanks we want to express to michalis him and his partners for the concession of their very beautiful and staff shop, in the myth of focus for the concession of conference seats, at ab food market for the reusable bags that he has allocated us to donate to the world Who was with us, at gerásimo iakōbáto for technical support, in the stores stores for the treat they offered us, to panagi kaballieráto for his bright and wonderful photos, to Maria Dimas who gave us some of her musical talent, at spiro nkatzoúna To coordinate views and much more to all of you who once again by massively in our venture, and you made a big shop look too small to fit us! Finally, we would like to warmly thank plastic free Greece for the free concession of documentaries " a plastic ocean " and " Straws " with Greek subtitles.
Our work on plastic pollution will not be limited to this intervention, but we already have proposals from collectives who want to repeat it in other parts of the island. We think it is very optimistic and that we will pursue it by joining our forces with anyone who lays down a bridge of cooperation. Our involvement with culture is not a luxury but a need and obligation for all of us.
Keen. En. Cat.
Argostoli, 31/01/2018