Author Topic: Australia's animal atrocity  (Read 5026 times)

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Offline Maik

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Australia's animal atrocity
« on: Tuesday, 10 April, 2018 @ 17:59:09 »
‘This is bulls**t’: Horror footage shows cruel sheep export deaths, sparks inquiry
SHEEP dying of thirst where they stand, panting and starving until they drop, to rot on the decks of a death ship. Australia’s live export market has been exposed. WARNING: Graphic.

THE whole point of live animal export is the animals are supposed to arrive alive.

The reality — whistleblower footage to be aired on 60 Minutes on Sunday reveals — is sickeningly, horrifyingly and graphically the reverse.

The disturbing frame-by-frame horror show of animal cruelty on a sickening scale sent the Federal Government went into damage control on Thursday, as federal Agriculture Minister David Littleproud ordered an investigation into the live sheep export sector.

His announcement an investigation would be launched into how the incident on a ship understood to be carrying 60,000 live sheep from Perth to the Middle East in August 2017 resulted in more than 2400 sheep dying from heat stress on board.

It came as 60 Minutes sent into high rotation snippets of horror footage.

It shows dehydrated, distressed, dead and dying sheep of all ages.

Corpses lie on the boat’s main deck, left to decay, and then simply dumped overboard.

Other scenes show animals, glaze-eyed and panting, clearly distressed and too weak to get up, lying in their own filth, and amid corpses.

More video shows sheep cramped in their hundreds into pens, where they are unable to move or turn around, much less lie down.

Instead, they stand, mouths open, tongues out, panting, trying to keep on their feet as the ship rolls in the waves.

Warning - distressing video:

Also: Sheep, ships and videotape - Part one & Sheep, ships and videotape - Part two

Offline Maik

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Re: Australia's animal atrocity
« Reply #1 on: Wednesday, 11 April, 2018 @ 01:49:29 »
Scientists warn greater glider faces extinction and want it protected from logging

Those who know the greater glider have a vivid way of describing it: like a flying possum crossed with a koala. About the size of a garden-variety possum, but with a looped tail up to 60 centimetres long and membranes that extend from its elbow to its ankle, it is Australia's largest gliding marsupial.

Scientists say it may not continue to be: it is headed for extinction.

Greater glider hotspot logged against Victorian government's own advice

A nationally significant hotspot for the greater glider, a federally listed threatened species, is being logged by the Victorian forest agency, VicForests.

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Re: Australia's animal atrocity
« Reply #2 on: Thursday, 12 April, 2018 @ 01:45:41 »

'Genital breathing' Australian turtle faces extinction, scientists warn
'Just as with tigers, rhinos and elephants, it is vital we do our utmost to save these unique and too often overlooked animals'

The turtle, which measures up to 40 cm, lives in just one location - the Mary River in Queensland, Australia.

Its docile nature - more hippy than punk - historically made it a popular pet. In the 1960s and 1970s its nest sites were mercilessly pillaged for the pet trade.

The Mary River turtle is one of the world's most endangered turtle species.

Offline Maik

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Re: Australia's animal atrocity
« Reply #3 on: Friday, 13 April, 2018 @ 01:45:31 »
No plan to protect Queensland's green-haired turtle from extinction

The Australian government does not have a plan to save an endangered Australian turtle species that received global attention on Thursday for its green mohawk and its ability to breathe through its genitals.

The Mary river turtle, found only in that one river in Queensland, attracted worldwide headlines as one of the standout species on a new list of the most vulnerable reptile species compiled by the Zoological Society of London (ZSL).

But despite this listing it does not have a national recovery plan to protect it from extinction and it is unclear whether any federal government funds have been specifically allocated for its protection.

The turtle is 29th on ZSL’s Evolutionary Distinct and Globally Endangered (Edge) list for reptiles, which highlights the conservation needs of some of the world’s unique reptiles.
Green-haired turtle that breathes through its genitals added to endangered list
Read more

The turtle is not the only reptile species found in Australia to appear on the list, with eight species making the top 100, and seven of those appearing in the top 40.