Author Topic: Don't mention ze subs  (Read 7199 times)

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Don't mention ze subs
« on: Friday, 13 June, 2014 @ 00:32:51 »
Greece sues for 7 billion euros over German submarines that have never sailed
Exclusive: Military deal which became symbolic of financial crisis now at centre of international legal case over Greece’s geo-political reputation

Greece has launched a multi-billion euro claim against one of Germany’s biggest defence firms who sold the financially-beleaguered country four submarines in a complicated deal which has become symbolic of the country’s economic woes.

The controversial deal has threatened Greece’s position in Nato, according to well-placed sources, led to the criminal prosecution of the country’s defence minister and the resignation of a senior Naval figure.

The Telegraph today publishes photographs of the four submarines, which are still unfinished in a Greek shipyard almost 15 years after they were first ordered.