Author Topic: Brexit survival course  (Read 4057 times)

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Offline Maik

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Brexit survival course
« on: Sunday, 17 February, 2019 @ 13:28:21 »
Brexit 'prepper' course teaches how to survive no deal by eating dog food and fighting off rioters
Dozens sign up for £250 weekend showing how to cope with breakdown of civil society after March 29 (... although course itself doesn't start until April)

First there were the warnings: if the UK leaves the European Union without a deal, supermarket shelves could go empty, medicines may run out, civil unrest might explode.

Then came the Brexit Box: an emergency chest created by a Leeds entrepreneur containing 60 freeze-dried meals and a fire starter, and sold to those so concerned a no-deal divorce might end in a minor apocalypse, they were willing to shell out £295 for such a bit of kit. Don’t laugh. Some 800 people have already bought one.

Now, comes the survival course.

A special weekend to be held at the government-backed Emergency Planning College, in North Yorkshire, will teach attendees how to cope if Brexit all goes a bit Armageddon.

Dealing with prolonged food shortages, surviving mass blackouts, and emergency first aid will all be taught by a team of eight field-specific experts. So too will unarmed combat, self-defence and urban foraging – just in case law and order breaks down.

Offline Colleywobble

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Re: Brexit survival course
« Reply #1 on: Sunday, 17 February, 2019 @ 13:58:00 »
Are these people Real??Anything to make a fast buck out of folks who are daft enough to pay them. It is all just getting out of hand and into the realms of fantasy. Take a leaf out of our parents book when they had to survive in the War. Get on with it!!!