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Devil's Breath
« on: Wednesday, 23 September, 2015 @ 17:52:55 »
The most dangerous drug in the world: 'Devil's Breath' chemical from Colombia can block free will, wipe memory and even kill

The danger of Devil's Breath: How women criminals are using new trick of blowing drug powder in victim's faces, leaving them like zombie's who'll do ANYTHING

Walking through the cosmopolitan streets of Paris’s 20th arrondissement, not far from rock star Jim Morrison’s tomb, a respectable, elderly lady is approached by a Chinese woman asking for directions.

As the pair bend over a map, the Chinese woman blows a tiny dust cloud of white powder into the face of the helpful Parisian. What happens next is like something from a horror film.

For, unbeknown to the victim, this white powder is Devil’s Breath, a substance so toxic and powerful that it turns everyone who ingests it into what investigators call ‘zombies’, devoid of their own free will.

... scores of women there are said to have been raped after their drinks have been spiked with Devil’s Breath, while another victim told how she was persuaded to hand over her baby to people smugglers.

The drug has also now been used in popular holiday destinations in Spain. A woman was raped last year in the tourist resort of Benalmadena having lost her memory after just one drink with a local man — and woke up 12 hours later, under a bridge and naked from the waist down.

Initial blood and urine tests showed no traces of any substances, leading police to believe she was lying. Hair samples taken a month later, however, proved she had been drugged with Devil’s Breath.

With its use in Spain and now Paris, the terrifying question is: how long will it be before we see a victim of Devil’s Breath on our shores?

By its use of Britishisms such as "visiting card" and "petrol" and British spellings like "odour," a March 2012 version positioned the incident as one that had taken place in the U.K.

'Devil's breath' aka scopolamine: can it really zombify you?

“You get these scare stories and they have no toxicology, so nobody knows what it is,” says Val Curran, professor of pharmacology at UCL’s Clinical Pharmacology Unit. “The idea that it is scopolamine is a bit far-fetched, because it could be anything.”

Dr Les King, chemist and former forensic scientist, agrees. The idea that someone could become zombified after someone blows powder into their face “seems pretty unlikely for a start”. There is no evidence it is being used in Europe, he says. “The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction has never had any mention of scopolamine being used in this way.”

“The degree to which any of this stuff is true is unknown,” says Curran. “There’s a lot of myth.”